Monday, 23 June 2008

Tom's new velo

Ed will need to keep a watch out now as Tom threatens his dominance in the family's speed stakes following heavy investment in cutting edge cycle design - no seriously, he's spurned his trike and bought a snazzy new pair of wheels. Not content with that, he's kitted out with the sharpest pair of cycling shoes you ever saw: go faster stripes, hi-vis, odour-eating. Only problem is that, as he set out yesterday morning competing for the coolest Sunday cyclist award, he forgot to pack a spare tube, repair kit and pump. Bananas, yes; health and energy bars, yes; drink, yes, of course - but nothing to keep air in his front tyre after he cycled over a cast-aside Saturday night bottle (not his own) -and all this after only 15 miles on his new wheels. Fortunately, he was meeting a wise virgin for a training ride who had the necessary !

Ton up at Car Boot Sale

Despite lowering skies we raised just over £100 from the pockets of the good burghers of Potters Bar on Saturday (21st June) and a few bob more in the collection tin. Many thanks to:

1. the Long family who had donated some very high quality goods for us to sell: Sue for a dragon with mystical qualities; Nick for a one-wheeled bike (a unicycle to the uninitiated); and Pete, in particular, who provided invaluable assistance in satisfying ladies of mature years.

2. Matt and Katie for equally high quality goods, so good that I had to email them to check I was not selling their dinner-party cutlery

3 the Elm Court staff for their help and generosity