Thanks to everyone for the support - We are all over the moon that we managed to complete the ride, but more importantly that we have been able to give somthing back to MacMillan!
Photos of our Trip to Paris can now be found using the below link:
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
The Final Push - Day 4

Promised a fast first 30 but with the standard Westerly head-wind and, of course, the minor undulations, it was less than speedy and included the longest hill of the trip. As usual the speedsters made a dash for all the decent energy bars on offer at the first stop, us mere mortals surviving on scraps of peanut shell and the like.
This stage had once again seen SP head off early. Having already practised the section late the previous evening there were concerns that he might try to re-employ the tactics that had brought about his Stage 1 victory. Dirty tactics were also brought to the attention of the support team when Ed reported that his brakes may have been tampered with - this proved merely an excuse for him being off the early pace.
The final few miles through Paris proved to be a surreal experience. We brought the traffic round the Arc de Triomphe to a halt and were greeted by cheers, whoops and hooting all down the Champs Elysee - not to mention hordes of our Japanese friends thinking the Tour de France had already arrived in Paris and snapping away merrily. Britton.T was later seen trying to flog a signed sweat-soaked T-Shirt.
The final few miles through Paris proved to be a surreal experience. We brought the traffic round the Arc de Triomphe to a halt and were greeted by cheers, whoops and hooting all down the Champs Elysee - not to mention hordes of our Japanese friends thinking the Tour de France had already arrived in Paris and snapping away merrily. Britton.T was later seen trying to flog a signed sweat-soaked T-Shirt.
Arrival at the Tour Eiffel was emotional for all involved! After 476K we had all finally arrived at our destination and without a puncture between the three of us. Some modest partying followed and once again Ed showed us all how to do it with arrival back at the hotel in time for breakfast.
Here's a picture to prove we really did get to the tower and the banner reminds us, amongst the events and laughs of the day and the previous three, why we were doing this in the first place and the reason for our supporters having contributed so generously to Macmillan.
Thank you all!!!
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Trials and tribulations - Day 3
Apologies to avid readers for the delayed posting, after 3 days on a bike the prospect of a cold beer was more appealing than sending a progress update.Whilst flying through the small country lanes south of Abbeville, SP was heard declaring that he felt light as a feather and in fine form. Fellow riders put this down to the multiple pressure breaks prior to the 4 mile marker. As it turns out the old'un had a senior moment whilst 'on a break' and in a frantic effort to shed layers had cast aside his bum bag. It transpires that not only did this contain bike tools but also his passport! Finding these just after the departure point resulted in a loss of 12 miles. However, he later made this up on a solo run with a senior member of staff. He was later heard asking said staff member if he had 'managed to exhaust her...'Once again, Ed teamed up with his 3 new pals in a reincarnation of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse chasing down wayward backmarkers, your scribe included...Once again, Britton.T was fairly nondescript although a serious sense of humour failure whilst mid way through the second stage of the day resulted in mush fist waving and loud cursing towards the clouds!A relaxed evening ensued, Ed spending a little more time in the bar than other members of Team Britton. He was obviously suffering and off the pace early doors on the final day...P.S. Very windy from all directions!!!--------------------------
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Tales from the Ride - Day 2
"23 miles to the first water stop across undulating terrain..." They said! On arrival at said Water stop a rather flustered SP had started putting together his breach of trust case that would see our genteel tour leader banged up for years.It must be said that the riding improved from that point on, Ed showed how it should be done and wizzed off into the distance at any opportunity. The name dropping of who he had been fraternizing with at the front of the Peleton at lunch however was seen as very poor form by SP and your scribe.Team Britton then spent some "quality" time together on a detour to a pleasant watermill and more importantly the local Creperie (Ed seen exiting with a skip in his tail).The final 30 saw Britton.T attempting to ingratiate himself with aforementioned tour leader and was also allegedly overheard offering to assist in defence of father’s proposed class action citing insider knowledge.All 3 riders have now arrived safe and sound in Abbeville.From our travels in France so far we have discovered...1) French roads are superior in every way to those found on our island.2) French drivers appear to have a positive attitude to cyclists.3) It appears to be perfectly normal to greet fellow cyclists (Male or Female) with "how's your bum?" or variation there of.Until tomorrow - Aurevoir!--------------------------Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device
The Ride - Day 1
Ed sets early tone for Team Britton with a, some might say, valiant effort to crack onto one of the event staff. Seen by Senior Pro and outrider removing shirt to display well worked pecs...This has even outdone Tom’s public display of lubing on Blackheath common, much to the dismay of team coach fellow riders. The yellow jersey was clearly weighing heavy on the mind of senior pro who in the true spirit of underhand tour tactics stole a significant lead following early departure from lunch before changing the direction of route markers. The resultant 5 mile diversion caused disarray in the Peleton, most of whom were now under the impression that SP must now by trekking incommunicado through deepest darkest Kent. Little did they know that the crafty old'un had actually decided to employ stealth tactics and keep his mobile switched off...Ferry ride across passed with no major incidents although the Curry, Chips and Kronenbourg, which at the time seemed the right choice did come back to haunt when completing the final 7 miles to our Hotel just outside Calais. Thursday brings another 80 odd miles in the saddle, time for a snooze!
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Despite appearances to the contrary, Team Britton did not resort to 4-wheel transport after 5 minutes of cycling.
Inadequate training on the blog means that the coach/manager/photographer/trainer/driver/stylist is still trying to work out how to get the photos in the ritght order.
Inadequate training on the blog means that the coach/manager/photographer/trainer/driver/stylist is still trying to work out how to get the photos in the ritght order.
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